Daily Archives: May 28, 2012

Mun Hong thanks SV, Engg UnderGrad turned Investment Analyst

It gives me great pleasure to speak in SV’s mailer and I thank SV for giving me this opportunity. Before introducing myself, I would like to thank Yoman for taking his time and effort spent on mentoring me, not only with issues pertaining to finance but also with regards to other life lessons. Like how Benjamin Graham was to Warren Buffett, Yoman and Eng Yew to me were “men that plant trees for other men to sit under”.

Not long ago, I was one of those hopefuls standing across the street peering into the finance industry with a multitude of questions on how to break into the industry. I got to know about SV during my time as an Engineering undergraduate when Yoman coincidentally came across my resume. This opportunity had a significant hint of luck involved (I will always be grateful for the moment that Yoman invited me, a stranger, to one of SV’s events) but I believe that one has to influence their own luck; you have to earn serendipity.

Many have heard of the cliché, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”.

Basically you have to be equipped with the relevant skills at the right time otherwise it would amount to naught, “We must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures”. Not being a Finance or Business graduate proved to be a slight hurdle at the start. To obtain the relevant skills, I decided to embark on the CFA program while concurrently carrying out my personal equity research.

With regards to the right time, there is basically no other way except by (As Yoman would mention), “Networking and more networking”. Approach networking with a mindset of, “How can I add value to the other party” and not “What will I get in return”.  Basically have fun, make friends, and most importantly, learn along the way. I have never regretted attending any networking events, especially those organized by SV!

If you know where your interest lies in, don’t be afraid to give everything you have to pursue it. In this industry, self-entitlement won’t get you places, even if you think you deserve it, you still have to prove yourself. It’s never easy, not now, not ever, but for me it was definitely without a shadow of a doubt worth every single second of my time.

Thanks to the relentless effort from Yoman, I managed to secure an interview with a family office as an Investment Analyst and recently after a 3 month probation period, I was confirmed as a full-time employee with the firm.

I hope that my experience would be able to help you in one way or another and I would like to end off with a quote from Yoman – “Continue learning and keep on networking”.

-Mun Hong